• BarisUzn


    Aspen Leaf Today, we part. Aspen Leaves Out the window...
    <img src="theimage.jpg" class="captify" alt="Caption Text" />

    DIV-linked-by-REL-attribute Method:

    Gannett Summit Ridge
    Flickr Gannett Peak, Wyoming

    <img src="theimage.jpg" class="captify" rel="caption1" />
    <div id="caption1"> Whatever caption you like </div>

    How do I use it?

    First off, if you haven't downloaded it already, download Captify here.

    		// all of these options are... optional
    		// ---
    		// speed of the mouseover effect
    		speedOver: 'fast',
    		// speed of the mouseout effect
    		speedOut: 'normal',
    		// how long to delay the hiding of the caption after mouseout (ms)
    		hideDelay: 500,	
    		// 'fade', 'slide', 'always-on'
    		animation: 'slide',		
    		// text/html to be placed at the beginning of every caption
    		prefix: '',		
    		// opacity of the caption on mouse over
    		opacity: '0.7',					
    		// the name of the CSS class to apply to the caption box
    		className: 'caption-bottom',	
    		// position of the caption (top or bottom)
    		position: 'bottom',
    		// caption span % of the image
    		spanWidth: '100%'

    This javascript above should be wrapped in a <script> tag and then be placed in the <head> of your document, after you've included jquery.js and captify.tiny.js.

    Note: Also, you need to copy-and-paste the necessary items out of the sample stylesheet into your own website's stylesheet. When you open it up, you'll see what needs to be copied right away.

    One side-effect of the captions is that the captified images become wrapped in divs that float left. If you have text clinging to their right side, clear the float by adding this line right after the image:

    <br class="c" />

    If you don't want to take that route, just take out this block from the stylesheet, and that'll do the trick too

    .caption-wrapper {
    	float: left;

    Update (February 28, 2009) v1.1:

    With some great help from Dan Ryan, Captify got some love…

    • Captions now can slide in from the bottom or top.
    • New animation options. Now, in addition to 'slide', there is 'fade' and 'always-on'.
    • Slight adjustments + bug fixes.

    Update (November 30, 2009) v1.1.3:

    • Compressed version generated using Google's Closure JS Compiler.
    • No more runaway animations…
    • Code style fixes

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